Hoist for Main Pool


We desperately needed a hoist for those who could not use the steps to get into the pool. It was to cost more money than we could not afford.

1981 was designated the Year of the Disabled and luckily for us a lot of local organisations decided to hold events in aid of this particular year.

Instead of sending money raised to a central fund, the money was donated to us, enabling us to buy the hoist and allowing all the generous people who supported the local events to see the results of their hard work.

We decided to have a celebratory ‘lowering of the hoist into the pool’. Dot Summerfield was invited to be the ‘guinea pig’. The County Press was duly invited, along with representatives of all the organisations who had supported us.


The hoist was tied up with a large pink ribbon, Dot was duly installed in the chair and lowered into the water. Photos were taken by all and sundry and The County Press when, much to our horror and embarrassment, we realised that the undercarriage (the wheels) had not been removed. We decided to keep quiet and hope that no-one would notice!

