While fund raising for the main pool had more or less been completed and we were up and running several fund raising activities were held specifically for providing a Small Pool or Learner Pool so whether we liked it or not we were committed to carry on fund raising.
The money was raised, the work commenced and all the while, we continued to swim in the main pool with a large heavy duty membrane where the wall used to be protecting the pool from dust and debris. Every so often we would take a peak behind the sheeting to see how the building was progressing.
When it was completed staff then had to clean the tiles. To keep it ‘in the family’ Lady Mountbatten was invited to officially open it and the date was set to co-ordinate with a Kingfisher Gala. But the pool was ready and we were ready to use it. So Dr George Thomson (Chairman of the West Wight Swimming Club Trust) was appointed to ‘do the honours’. Names were picked out of the hat to assist him. A pink ribbon was tied across the steps Dr Thomson ceremoniously cut the ribbon and unofficially we were open.